Few Tidbits About Me
I'm just a crazy lady, posting her writings for the interested to read. I love writing and have been doing so since I can remember. I spend a lot of time with my work, helping other people get their writings clearer - mostly for school and work - and also spending time with my family.
When I'm not doing that, my mind is either engulfed inside a book or plotting out another story. And everyday, I just try and do a few things that make me happy and keep moving on.
Have a great day, and enjoy the stories!
Update 12/26/2016
Merry Christmas!!
Home & Away Updates: Part Twenty-Two and Twenty-Three. There is no end in sight for this one. ;)
Working on more Kingston :D
Update 12/20/2016
I keep forgetting to update! And then, website issues galore!
My hugest, humbiliest apologies. Here is some more Home & Away. Currently editing down (yes down, smh) latest Sum of Us and getting through some confusing edits of Kingston. (I think I wrote a chunk of it asleep.) I so very much love you all for reading!
As some of you may know, I try and reply to all emails promptly! Forgive me if I haven't replied, I think some may have gotten lost in the mess of my trying to clean out my inbox. *shamed* I still love and appreciate and love all of your messages and comments and requests and general YAHness for my stories. Thank You SO Much!
H&A: Twenty and Twenty-One
and finally, The Sum of Us - Fools
If you JOIN MAILING LIST, You get an email saying I updated, that's it - I won't spam ya! (You barely get that email, because I need to update more!) It's down on the right there.
December 18, 2016
I NEVER INTERLINKED The Sum of Us! Because I'm just not all there in the noggin department, I guess. Yikes! Sorry for causing this difficulty on us all. *shamed*
Trying to add new pages now.
PS: Joining the Mailing List helps keep you updated quicker. All the Cool Kids are doing it, maybe.
Update 9/17/2016
I'm Back! Summer was CrAzY, but fun! Hope you guys had a whole lot of fun and family time too.
Here's Part Nineteen of Home and Away
AND Here's Part Four and a short Part Five of Batman AU Perchance to Dream.
I <3 a live Jason!!
Happy Reading and a Happy Back to School to ALL!
PS: Joining the Mailing List helps keep you updated quicker. Yah!
Update 7/16/2016
That is all :D
Update 7/7/2016
New Home and Away parts up to 18.
Update - 6/29/2016
Part Three of the Batman AU Perchance to Dream is now Live:)
Update - 6/26/2016
**stunner shades on**
I'm kind of in a happy place right now - at least tech and writing wise. THANK YOU TIMES A THOUSAND again for reading and loving on my stories. You guys mean the world to me. (Can you feel how tightly I'm hugging you right now? Tell me when you want to breath again ;) )
Sadly, a few chapters on things were lost - and YES the latest chapter of The Sum of Us was lost in the Tech-Fail of 2015, but it was just the last installment (some 2K words maybe?) And all in all, not too bad, but I will have to rewrite it.
On the better side of things - I am going to post a few stories I was writing for myself, that I was more than ecstatic to have back. These were never intended to be seen by anyone, but I want to reward and thank and hug you all so much, that this was the best I could think of. (So again, more editing.) The first story is a rewrite of a Chilean telenovela (with an OFC that kind of represents me and how badly I wanted to yell in some people's face - so an "Ann Sue" if you will! It will be in English however, since my knowledge of Spanish is pretty epic but doesn't include accents and I don't feel right writing them all wrong. (I'm finicky about grammar. Yes even with all of the mistakes I post!) The second is an AU of the 2004 movie, "The Thunderbirds", which was a live-action of an old puppet, British kids show. I might post a third, because I have quite a bit of "just for my eyes" stories that I think are kind of awful but - well, you now us writers must sometimes write :)
More on those later!
And now, for an actual update. I give you Kingston: Glass Houses- An American Family.
Join the Mailing List! And Email Me :)
As Always, Happy Reading!!
Update - 6/15/2016
I would love to have an abundance of updates for you all, because you have all been so fabulous about waiting. I have tried and tried to write, and the craziest thing was that I couldn't! I would open a document and I started crying thinking about all of the stories that I LOVED and lost and I just couldn't. And I started writing other stories, and personally they were all crappy. :( And I had my backup dics, but I was too scared to look into them because I didn't want to see the amount of things that I had actually lost. I am STUPID EXCITED to say that I finally, finally, finally caught the nerve to check and can report that a good 95% of everything was saved.
More stories should be up this next week. :D
PS Join the Mailing List to get notified when I do update! I don't spam ;) Summer reading is coming your way!
Update - 3/3/2016
I have an amazing sister and brother-in-law! :D
They have bought me a new laptop while I'm in the process of getting my other laptop fixed. Which means, then I will have TWO laptops. I can't even, you guys! I'm so happy and so thankful and so happily thankful! So, I don't have any of my old files, and will be starting some things from scratch. (Mostly Kingdom) Home and Away was mostly written on the spot, and I am trying (really deep breathes kind of trying) to not freak out over having lost The Sum of Us. And a lot of other stuff.
Will be back to writing soon :)
PS Join the Mailing List to get notified the minute I do update! I don't spam ;)Love You Guys!
Update - 1/23/2016
Happiest of New Years! I have not posted, nor am I afraid that I will post any time soon, because my computer has met itself with the dreaded, black, death screen. *weeping* Alas, I can probably fix it with some backup disks and a restoration disk, but they are at home, and I am not. I should be home in a week, but that doesn't necessarily let me know when the technology gods will smile down at me favorably again.
I will return!
(Don't you, forget about me!)
Update - 12/1/2015
NaNoWriMo has come and gone, and BOY! was it a doozy! I'm back to writing and should have something up in a week. Missed you guys!!
Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! (You know, if you live in the US. If not, well I'm still Thankful for you. :))
Update - 10/31/2015
Parts Eleven to Fourteen are up for Home and Away! Whoo Hoo!
Happy Halloween <[8-D (that's my sorry excuse for a witch!)
Update - 10/28/2015
Parts Eight, Nine and Ten are now up on the Home and Away page. Happy Reading! :)
I am hoping to get one other update out before November and NaNoWriMo begins. Cross your fingers for me! Join the mailing list so that I can send you an email for when I post the new updates.
Update - 10/10/2015
Fact: I write too much.
Fact: I take too long to edit.
Fact: I take too damn long to update.
My apologies for the long wait, but I seemed to have a LOT to say in these stories. And I certainly can't apologize for that!
Ache is now live (:
(Yes, that IS a The Sum of Us update! Whoop whoop!)
Update - 9/6/2015
Tomorrow is Labor Day, and I figured you all might want some reading materials for the occasion. More Home and Away parts are now up! Yah!
Next update should be either more The Sum of Us or Kingdom. It all depends on who the muse and edit fairies are feeding. Join the mailing list so that I can send you an email for when I post new updates. Happy Reading!
Update - 9/2/2015
Itty Bitty mini, almost unnoticeable changes on the site today. I kid! I felt a little blah with the gray backgrounds and wanted to add a tad of color. Also, first summer in like my whole life that I haven't been to the beach. *super sad sigh*.
Trying to see if I can add a mailing list option or something so that you guys can find out about when I update the site.
Lastly, Part Four for the Home and Away story is up. Yah Updates!
Update - 9/1/2015
You Guys!! Thank you all so much for your comments, questions, and inquiries. :) Though I write for me, I love sharing with you guys :) Yah! So here it is! A gift
Check out the Home and Away page, and read on! (Parts 1,2 and 3!) More to come soon. (Editing is such a pain ;) But I want to give you guys the best possible stories!)
Update - 6/15/2015 PART TWO
I AM ON A ROLL! See that horn? I'm gonna toot it!! (I am also mildly sleep deprived. And by mildly, I mean massively.)
Part FOUR, BLURRED, of the Sum of Us, is now Live! Thank You ALL for loving it so much. I take a lot of time trying to get it just right, and I appreciate your patience. (And your kick in the pants (: Love it when you drop me a line.)
Update - 6/15/2015
WHAATT? Already an update?! I know, I know, I'm in shock too :D
A new fandom story is now up on the OTHER page for the novel series, ELEMENTALS. I have been writing these stories since December '14. YEAH! So so glad to have them off of my chest now! If anyone has read the books, let me know what you think! If you haven't, well you should :) Now, the stories are preseries, but I do kind of have spoilers in my intro page, so be warned! I am taking requests if you guys read the stories and think that I should continue INTO the novel series. *hinthinthinthint* Happy Reading!!
Update - 6/14/2015
A few updates and fixes all around, and a quick howdy to let you know I'm still working on this :D The KINGSTON page is being created, and the H&A stories are being written, as well as The Sum of Us and the Batman story. As you can tell, a LOT is going on in my (beautiful) mind. Happy Reading!!
Update - 5/8/2015
A few changes over <- and a few promises of stories to come. Happy (Early <3!) Mother's Day!
Update - 5/7/2015
Spring is in the Air! Did you know: the first of Spring is Richard Grayson's birthday! Happy a lot of (Belated) Birthdays Boy Wonder! Yah! I for one, am glad to see the backend of the snowy weather. Part TWO of my Batman story is now up. And a few link updates on the Batman page. There's a nifty pick up too, on my "images" of the Wayne family. (Other than the Timmy guy, I can't remember where I found that actor.) More stuff coming soon. Happy Reading!!!
Also, I've been receiving some very lovely emails. Thank YOU! I'm always writing more stories, but it's those notes that remind me you guys like to read them too! (And I need those reminders, otherwise I forget to update!) Thank you a thousand times for coming to play in my sandbox. :D
Update - 3/27/2015
Happy Belated St. Patty's Day! Spring has arrived, but only in Orbital positioning :) Where I live, there's another snowing called for this weekend. You can't hear me, but my excitement is nil. Another installment for The Sum of Us is now up. It's called Over. Happy Reading!
Update - 3/01/2015
The long awaited ... BATMAN FICS!!! OR maybe no one was actually waiting ;) Still, I have a good chuck of it written, not A LOT, but a little lot. (But my little isn't other people's little....oh I'll just shut it!) Check out the BATMAN page for the first part and parts to come. Happy Reading!
Update - 7/22/2013
It's Summertime! And it's rain, rain, rain all over the place. Spending a lot of time inside, writing up way too many stories. I just need to start finishing a few for you guys ;) Finally actually UPDATING.
Updates - 4/17/2013
Happy Spring! I'm more than glad that the winter is slipping away now! (At least, in the parts where I live.) Here's another installment to my original story The Sum of Us. This one is called Limits.
Updates - 1/28/2013
I have a new original story that I had no idea where to post, before I remembered my abandoned site! Yah! It's going to be a long and in multiple pieces, but I hope it's well received! That story mentioned in the previous Update? This is that story. ( Check out The Sum of Us)
Also, new Vampire Diaries fic AU on the "Other Shows and Movies" page. Check it out!!
Updates - 9/22/2012
Also could be stated as, Ann remembers she has a site (and locates the password she lost a few months back!) Yah! I am going to start a story, specific to this site, with original characters. It just hit me a few days ago, so I'm still plotting, but it is going to be good! Come back soon to check it out!
Updates - 4/2/2010
NEW FICS - Say , Diary of Jane , Wasting Time, That Smell (Supernatural)
Updates - 2/16/2010
NEW FICS - Not Worth It (White Collar), New Deep (Supernatural), and Midnight Bottle (Supernatural)
FIXED - Connor AU (links to chapter 2 and chapter 6 now go to their respective chapters)