Summary: The Kingstons are well known as the richest family in Port Chester, and they seem to have it all. Looks can be deceiving.

 i.    An American Family: Introductions to the Kingstons and Co.

ii.    Scandalized: News of James’ cheating comes out

iii.    Liar, Liar: Aftermath of a terrible morning.

iv.    Small World: Royal tries to keep his family going and get more intel on James' affair

v.    Faking It: The Kingston kids are all having a great day. Really.

vi.    Dirty Laundry:


Summary: With Ethan eighteen, he is starting a fight against his own father, possibly putting his future with his siblings at risk

 i.    Patriarch: 

ii.    Family Day: 

iii.    Where there’s Smoke…: 

iv.    History Repeating:

v.    An Act of Will:

vi.    Little Monsters: 

vii.   Ricochet: